Site supervision and commissioning

Site supervision and commissioning
Site supervision and commissioning (2)Site supervision and commissioning (3)Site supervision and commissioning (4)Site supervision and commissioning (1)Site supervision and commissioning (15)Site supervision and commissioning (11)Site supervision and commissioning (12)Site supervision and commissioning (13)Site supervision and commissioning (14)Site supervision and commissioning (10)

Site supervision completion of Naples business district. Project total cost: about: € 103.300.000 (upcoming)
Site supervision sport park, Bagnoli (Naples). Project total cost: about € 33.340.000
Site supervision Shopping Centre Auchan via Argine, Naples. Project total cost: about € 53.780.000
Site supervision Forteguerriana library in ex Breda Area, Pistoia. Project total cost: about € 5.415.000
Site supervision Fondazione Idis Città della Scienza, Plots 1/1bis, 2, 3, 4; Bagnoli (Naples). Project total cost: about € 39.800.000
Site supervision urgent consolidating works of the town centre cliffs, Rossano (Cosenza). Project total cost: about € 1.500.000
Site supervision paving and urban equipment provision for the historical centre, Colliano (Salerno). Project total cost: about € 1.500.000
Structural commissioning cinema multiplex in viale Giochi del Mediterraneo, Napoli. Project total cost: about € 16.000.000.
Site supervision: Provveditorato OO.PP. per la Campania,structural strengthening of the Casamicciola Cliffs (second part). Project total cost: about € 2.100.000
Structural commissioning: Ente Irriguo Umbro-Toscano, adjustment of the watercourse deriving from the Casanova dam on the river Chiascio. Project total cost: about € 2.400.000
Responsabile unico del procedimento fort the construction of the new headquarters of the genetic engineering centre, Naples. Project total cost: about € 16.000.000
Site supervision: regione Campania, government extraordinary commissariat for the hydro geological emergency – plot c- removal of the alluvial material in Quindici municipality and Regi Lagni (Avellino). Project total cost: about € 2.400.000
Structural commissioning: Anas S.S. 131 ” Diramazione centrale Nuorese”. Construction of the s.s.v. San Teodoro, Olbia Trunk Ovilo- Olbia, Sixth plot, power station, building “quadri comandi” and auxiliary services, Tito (Potenza). Project total cost: about € 10.300.000
Structural commissioning: Enel s.p.a. electrical power station, building “quadri comandi” and auxiliary services, Tito (Potenza). Project total cost: about € 1.550.000
Structural commissioning: Enel s.p.a. electrical power station 380/150 KW, dpt building and retaining works, Rosara (Ascoli Piceno). Project total cost: about € 1.600.000
Technical and administrative commissioning: entro Italiano Ricerche Aereospaziali, new refectory building, Capua (Caserta). Project total cost: about € 1.550.000
Site supervision of the structural consolidating works of the Costal Cliffs, to be carried out by Ministero per la Protezione Civile, Casamicciola (Naples). Project total cost: about € 775.000. Interprogetti s.r.l direzione lavori e collaudi
President of he technical and administrative commissioning commitee: Ente automnomo mostra di Oltremare, undereground car Park in Piazzale Tecchio, Naples. Project total cost: about € 4.100.000.
Site supervision E.C.O.M. industrial development for shellfish farming. Contribution by “Ministero della Marina Mercantile e della CEE ai sensi delle ll. 4042/89 e 355/77”, Villa Literno (Caserta). Project total cost: about € 1.300.000.