Ministero dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali. Le mura di Otranto
Ministero dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali. Le mura di Otranto

Date: 1994/1992
Strengthening and restoration of the fortified system and the museums complex
Final design of structural works for
Project total cost: about € 13.500.000
Designed works cost: about € 7.500.000
Client: s.c.a.r.l associazione restauro monumenti
Strengthening and restoration of the fortified system and the museums complex
Final design of structural works for
Project total cost: about € 13.500.000
Designed works cost: about € 7.500.000
Client: s.c.a.r.l associazione restauro monumenti

First faculty of Medicine University of Naples Federico II
First faculty of Medicine University of Naples Federico II

Date: 1994/1993
Strengthening and restoration of sant’andrea delle dame” complex
Final design of structural works
Project total cost: about € 7.200.000
Designed works cost: about € 2.600.000
Client: Vitale Costruzioni s.r.l.
Strengthening and restoration of sant’andrea delle dame” complex
Final design of structural works
Project total cost: about € 7.200.000
Designed works cost: about € 2.600.000
Client: Vitale Costruzioni s.r.l.

General Superintendence post-seismic event in Campania.
General Superintendence post-seismic event in Campania

Date: 1993
Strengthening and restoration of the via Rodinò complex
Final design of structural works
Project total cost: about € 8.300.000
Designed works cost: about € 4.100.000
Client: soprintendenza generale agli interventi posti-sismici in Campania e Basilicata
Strengthening and restoration of the via Rodinò complex
Final design of structural works
Project total cost: about € 8.300.000
Designed works cost: about € 4.100.000
Client: soprintendenza generale agli interventi posti-sismici in Campania e Basilicata

Consolidating of the land slide along the cost between Punta Perrone and Punta della Scrofa, Casamicciola (Naples)
Consolidating of the land slide along the cost between Punta Perrone and Punta della Scrofa, Casamicciola (Naples)

Date: 1992/1991
Final design of the consolidating works
Project total cost: about € 2.800.000
Client: comune di Casamicciola
Final design of the consolidating works
Project total cost: about € 2.800.000
Client: comune di Casamicciola

New justice building, S.Angelo dei Lombardi (Avellino) and urban layout of Piazza IV Novembre
New justice building, S.Angelo dei Lombardi (Avellino) and urban layout of Piazza IV Novembre

Date: 1991/1989
Final design of structural works
Project total cost: about € 12.400.000
Designed works cost: about € 4.600.000
Client: comune di S. Angelo dei Lombardi
Final design of structural works
Project total cost: about € 12.400.000
Designed works cost: about € 4.600.000
Client: comune di S. Angelo dei Lombardi

Headquarters of the Genetic Engineering Centre, Naples
Headquarters of the Genetic Engineering Centre, Naples

Date: 1991/1990
Preliminary, “definitivo” and final design of structural works
Project total cost: about € 18.100.000
Designed works cost: about € 6.000.000
Client: s.p.a.
Preliminary, “definitivo” and final design of structural works
Project total cost: about € 18.100.000
Designed works cost: about € 6.000.000
Client: s.p.a.

Memory obelisk, fluids obelisk and information obelisk, Fuorigrotta (Naples)
Memory obelisk, fluids obelisk and information obelisk, Fuorigrotta (Naples)

Date: 1990/1988
Preliminary, “definitivo” and final design of structural works
Designed works cost: about € 4.000.000
Client: Infrasud progetti
Preliminary, “definitivo” and final design of structural works
Designed works cost: about € 4.000.000
Client: Infrasud progetti

Naples Naval Base Heliport
Naples Naval Base Heliport

Date: 1988
Final design of structural works
Project total cost: about € 1.500.000
Client: provveditorato OO.PP Napoli
Final design of structural works
Project total cost: about € 1.500.000
Client: provveditorato OO.PP Napoli